BattG – German Batteries Act
Legislation on the Distribution, Collection, and Environmentally Friendly Disposal of Batteries and Accumulators.
Blue Angel - German eco label
Environmental Label of the Federal Government - it sets high standards for environmentally friendly products and services, serving as a guide for shopping. It is a globally recognized symbol as a benchmark for ecologically advantageous products.
Central Agency Packaging Register (ZSVR)
The "Central Agency" is a private law foundation, which according to § 24 of the Packaging Act, was founded as a borrowed authority with sovereign tasks on January 1, 2019, among other things. The goal of the ZSVR is to establish and monitor a transparent and fair distribution of costs for the disposal and recycling system in the packaging sector. This is based on the LUCID portal, in which registrations of the actors, along with data reports, form the basis for the monitoring function.
Declaration of Completeness according to § 11 VerpackG
Concerns manufacturers who place more than the minimum quantities of packaging on the market. The completeness declaration includes information on the type of material and mass of all sales and secondary packaging placed on the market in the previous calendar year, especially those that are left over from private end consumers after use. It requires examination by a registered expert, tax consultant, or auditor.
EWKFondsG – Einwegkunststofffondsgesetz
The Einwegkunststofffondsgesetz establishes a fund where impacted manufacturers make payments based on product type and mass. The primary beneficiaries are municipalities responsible for street cleaning.
Act on the Single-Use Plastic Fund aims to avoid and reduce the impacts of single-use plastic products on the environment, as well as to promote innovative and sustainable business models, products, and materials. Affected are plastic-containing items, such as cigarette filters, tampons, cleaning wipes and packaging for products intended for immediate consumption.
EPR – Erweiterte Herstellerverantwortung (Extended Producer Responsibility)
An environmental policy tool that transfers responsibility for managing the post-use phase of a product to manufacturers when it becomes waste. Manufacturers pay EPR fees based on the quantities of packaging or products (e.g., batteries or electrical and electronic devices) they put on the market. EPR is a regulatory principle that forms the basis for a multitude of European Union legal standards and is increasingly gaining importance worldwide.
EuCertPlast – European Certification of Plastics Recyclers
Europe-wide certification program for the recycling of plastic waste.
Final Processor
Operators of facilities that manufacture marketable products from waste or secondary raw materials.
GewAbfV – German Commercial Waste Regulation
Regulation on handling commercial residential waste and specific construction and demolition waste.
KrWG – Circular Economy Act
Act to promote circular economy and ensure environmentally friendly waste management.
Littering - Pollution due to careless disposal and abandonment of waste in public spaces.
Littering Levy
Special levy for manufacturers of single-use plastic products that pollute the environment through so-called littering (see also Single-Use Plastic Fund Act).
Packaging Register - Online platform of the Central Agency Packaging Register for implementing the Packaging Act. (ZSVR)
Packaging Master Data
Information on the type of material (material fraction) and mass (weight) of packaging.
Publicly appointed and sworn experts
Publicly appointed experts must demonstrate special expertise, practical experience and personal suitability in a specific work-field. This is assessed by the appointing authority during the initial appointment with regard to education, curriculum vitae including professional stations and work samples (expert reports). Furthermore, the applicant must prove his professional knowledge and performance by means of an examination. The appointment is regularly limited to 5 years. For an extension, work results must be submitted and proof of active participation in specialized further training must be provided, which is subject to a renewed assessment. Publicly appointed experts are sworn to act independently and impartially.
State-authorized agency (RAL gGmbH) for the award of quality seals in various categories. Ecological quality labels from RAL include, for example, the quality community Recyclates from household-related waste collection or the Environmental Label Blue Angel.
Cross-company booking system in which plastic recyclates from verified sources can be registered, and where the further use of the recyclates in the product can be demonstrated (value chain-oriented).
Recovery Rate
The amount of materially recovered (recycled) waste divided by the total amount of waste (recycled waste and residual waste).
Certification system in the field of plastic recycling with three modules, which evaluates and classifies the recyclability of plastic packaging and the activity of plastic recyclers and further serves as proof of the use of recyclates in the product.
Recovery process by which waste is processed into products, materials or substances either for the original purpose or for other purposes.
Substances and objects that consist wholly or partly of materials that come from recycling.
Volume Flow Record
Verifiable proof of meeting collection and recovery requirements.
VerpackG – Packaging Act
Information on the type of material (material fraction) and mass (weight) of packaging.