7132 958-0
Background: Colorful plastic bottles

Are you a manufacturer and would like a professional partner to check your declaration of completeness according to § 11 VerpackG?

Do you have questions about the new Single-Use Plastics Fund Act and need individual advice or are you seeking for a qualified auditor?

Young woman with curly hair, raises eyebrows, looks astonishedLaughing young woman with curly hair
Hintergrund: gepresster Plastikmüll links, rechts Plastikgranulat aus recyceltem Plastikmüll

You as a plastics recycler are looking for an experienced auditor to audit your plant according to RecyClass, EUCertPlast or the German Packaging Act?

Man with glasses, shirt, looks angryMann mit Brille, Hemd, schaut glücklich
Hintergrund: Plastikgranulat links, rechts neue Plastikflaschen

Are you a plastics processor and would like your customers to have internationally recognized certificates attesting to the recycled content in your products?

annoyed young womanhappy young woman
Library shelves

You are a tax consultant or auditor and have to prepare audits and certificates for your clients that require knowledge in the area of VerpackG or LUCID?

Old man biting fingernailsOld man with folded arms
Background: Scrap yard

Are you a commercial waste producer and need proof of legally compliant action in terms of the Commercial Waste Ordinance?

Astonished man looks into the distanceLaughing young man

We audit and certify your company in all areas of extended producer responsibility.

Our client spectrum ranges from distributors of packaging (declaration of completeness according to VerpackG / LUCID) to the plastics recycling industry (RecyClass, EUCertPlast) to plastics processors and users in the area of recyclate use quotas (RecyClass, Blue Angel). In addition, we are also competent in the field of spent battery disposal (BattG) and commercial waste management (GewAbfV). Our knowledge of specific (legal) standards, comprehensive professional approvals and good networking in the relevant industries ensure that we also prepare you for new requirements with foresight.

We work process-oriented, pragmatically and with software-based routines. In doing so, we never lose sight of the economic goals of our clients.

In addition to the extensive accreditations as auditors/inspectors, we have a wealth of experience from our professional practice. Thus, we always place your individual task within the overall framework. Moreover, the worldwide network we have built over a long period of time in the field of take-back and recycling systems, alongside our partnerships with supervisory authorities and companies in the recycling industry, form the basis of our work.


As publicly appointed and sworn experts, we know the current legal situation very well. In addition, our clients benefit from our network, e.g. auditors and tax consultants of the REVISA Group, chair holders in the field of recycling management and professional colleagues working in other fields.


In order to focus the extent of our activity on critical fields, our approach is risk-oriented. Therefore, we analyze the external framework conditions, combine them with the internal structural, and assess the process organization of our clients. These measures form the foundation for our actions that are both goal-oriented and legally secure.


Our largely standardized and software-supported processing procedures are a central element for the rapid achievement of the desired goals in a good cost-benefit ratio. Thanks to our team's many years of experience, we solve problems from a holistic perspective and provide our clients with knowledge of all relevant contexts.

We are the experts in all areas of extended producer responsibility.

As manufacturers, you are also responsible for the after-use phase of your products. The organizational implementation of this responsibility is ensured by take-back and recovery systems as well as by the activities of the recycling industry. Thereby, national laws and/or recognized industry set the rules of the game. Here you will find all services that are responsibly performed by our publicly appointed, sworn and LUCID registered experts. As they are also certified auditors at RecyClass, EUCertPlast, and RAL, you will find qualified contact persons in our team who specialize in plastic recycling and recyclate use:

  • Legally binding inspection of packaging masses placed on the market for manufacturers and importers in accordance with §11 VerpackG (declaration of completeness / LUCID) incl. certified contract inspections at the request of the system partners.
  • Certification of the separation rate according to § 4 para. 3 GewAbfV and assessment of the documentation.
  • Verification of volume flow records within the meaning of the Packaging Act and performance monitoring within the meaning of the BattG.
  • Auditing/certification of plastic recycling plants according to the standards of EUCertplast and RecyClass (recycling process).
  • Auditing/certification of the recyclate use rate in plastic products including the value chain according to the standards of RecyClass ("traceability + recycled-content), RAL (Blue Angel GZ 30a or recyclates from household recycling collections").
  • Confirmation of the status as a "final recycler facility" within the meaning of the VerpackG as the basis for business activities with system customers in the area of the VerpackG.
  • Legally compliant determination of packaging master data (weight, material type, demarcation between product and packaging as well as demarcation of the system participation obligation) for obligated manufacturers using calibrated equipment.
  • Sorting analyses for the determination of billing bases between different interest groups (e.g. system operator - municipality, sorting plant - processor, ...).
  • Preparation of expert opinions on behalf of the public (e.g. for courts and public prosecutors) or for insurance companies.
  • Preparation of expert reports on plant suitability, e.g. in relation to recycling rates.

CycleProof in numbers

In 2007, REVISA CycleProof GmbH was founded as an expert company within the REVISA Group, initially with a special focus on the German Packaging Act (until 2018 Packaging Ordinance). Soon, the expansion of our activities into the legal areas of the German Battery Act and the Commercial Waste Ordinance followed. Additionally, our business area has become increasingly international and our activities have expanded through our auditor approvals in the field of plastic recycling and recylate use (according to EUCErtPlast, RecyClass and RAL) in 2017.

Since then, we have audited more than 2,000 declarations of completeness ("LUCID") in Germany and a similar number in foreign jurisdictions as well. At the same time, the annual volume of plastic streams audited by us is about 200,000 tons per year. Thus, we are familiar with all industries and constellations as well as the interrelationships between them.

The positive feedback from our clients confirms that we are on the right track. So far, we are active in 28 countries, with a focus on Europe, but increasingly also in other regions of the world (e.g. Southeast Asia). The comprehensive handling of the EPR topic, the cooperation with the Magdeburg University of Applied Sciences ("Raw Materials Workshop" of the Department of Water and Environment) established in 2021, and the ongoing exchange with experts from industry and professional colleagues create a solid foundation for our activities.

What you should definitely know:

The legal and market situation is constantly changing, especially in the field of circular economy. Therefore, it can always happen that you are not 100% up-to-date. But that's what we're here for. We are close by and always know when there have been or will be changes.

This law is the implementation of European requirements in the field of resource protection. It is also intended to shift the consequences of environmental contamination of single-use plastic products onto the manufacturers. According to the law, products and packaging that contain plastics (even in small proportions) are affected. These include, cigarette filters, sanitary paper or to-go packaging. Here, many rules similar to the packaging law are recognizable but there are also still open questions of interpretation. For affected manufacturers, we consider timely preparation to be indispensable. Not only does this include questions about registration and product demarcation, but also inspections conducted by approved experts. We will be happy to answer any further questions.


Zur Website von y-Behörde

It has been known for some time that declarations of completeness are often certified by licensed but unqualified auditors. This circumstance is the reason for standardized and IT-supported analysis processes of the "Central Office", which compares the contents of audit reports with other available data. If the indications are confirmed, the auditors are warned and threatened with removal from the register. This may also have implications for the legal position of the audited manufacturers. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, we advise you to critically question the competence of your auditor, e.g. with regard to their specific training and relevant work experience.

After passing the exams, we congratulate our colleague Marion Coboeke as an approved auditor in the modules "RecyclingProcess" and "Traceability/Recycled Content in products".

We always have an open ear for your questions and challenges.

We support you in ensuring that valuable resources are returned to the product cycle and that your workflow becomes even more sustainable. We audit and certify you in all areas related to product stewardship.

REVISA CycleProof GmbH

Heiner-Fleischmann-Str. 6

D- 74172 Neckarsulm

portrait of young woman

Isabel Schreiter

Declaration of completeness / Recycling / Commercial waste ordinance / RecyClass Auditor

+49 7132 958-930

portrait of young woman

Marion Coböke

 Licensing and declaration of completeness / packaging classification/ RecyClass Auditor

+49 7132 958-935